Our services.

  • Massage

    We have nearly 20 massage therapy options to choose from.

  • Recover

    Relieve acute or chronic pain from an injury or recover from a strenuous workout or activity.

  • Localized CryoTherapy

    One of our noninvasive pain therapies. Can be done as a stand alone service or add-on.

  • Body Sculpting

    Choose the noninvasive service(s) that best suits your goal. Consultations encouraged before first session.

  • Normatec Whole Body Compression

    Normatec decreases muscle tension and inflammation, decreases recovery time post injury, increases range of motion and flexibility, reduces swelling and water accumulation, and increases circulation.

  • FAR Infrared Sauna

    The ideal use of FAR Infrared Sauna is 3-4 times per week, at least, for optimal benefits. When used in conjunction with a clean diet, exercise and massage your body will undergo detoxification and other health benefits.

  • LightStim LED Therapy

    Also called Low Level Light Therapy or Red Light Therapy, LightStim LED light therapy delivers light energy to humans similar to the way plants absorb photons of light produced by the sun. Each LightStim device emits a unique combination of distinctly colored LED lights customized for either Anti-Aging, Acne or Pain. The various colors correspond to the different beneficial wavelengths of light.

    Studies have shown that low level light therapy can stimulate the body’s cells, activating their own natural processes for healing, rejuvenation and optimal function.